No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, June 26, 2008


Thank you to my supportive friends!!
It means a lot and you know who you are!!

I just can not believe that I feel this bad right now!!
I honestly thought I was doing better!
But it seems after steps forward I go way BACK!!
Each time it seems even more!!

I am to the point right now where:
- I can't sleep ( which make the coping skills that much harder!!)
- feel nauseaus ALL the time
- have a huge LUMP in my throat
- I feel like crying right this very minute!!

On a TERRIFIC note***
Princess is doing AWESOME with her Potty Training!!
This does help keep my spirits up!!

1 comment:

A Jersey Girl said...

i am so sorry you are feeling badly, I have been there. Last September was about the the lowest I have ever been, but I got some help and am much better now, but everyday is a struggle. It is hard for people who do not suffer from it to really understand how awful it can be. How much it affects you physically as well as emotionally.

I am glad you have had friends to help, that helps. If I can ever just listen or talk, please feel free to email me.
