No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back- For A Minute Anyway!

It has been a while since I have posted. We have been struggling so much these past few months but it got worse these past 2 weeks. I did not have Internet access as well as our house phone. We have them back now, but soon my cell won't be accessible.
Unfortunately, in an effort to cut living costs, some things have to go!
Sadly, the Internet WILL BE one!! I have literally been LOST these past 2 weeks without it!! And I have no idea how I am going to survive without it again. Hopefully, it won't be for long. I had hope to maybe get a lower costing one, but Hubby wants none right now and beings he is the ONE bringing in the money, what he says goes!! I agree about the cost, but I NEED my Internet!! He thinks it has been great these last weeks because nobody has been able to go on...he obviously hates it, so it is no love loss for him! What he doesn't understand is this is MY way to communicate with my friends. I don't go out and socialize (like him) alot. I don't gab on the phone(like him). This is my thing!!
Anyway, hopefully he will get some work and things will start looking up. I need to find something to make money. It's just so hard having a toddler. Anything I can get either has bad hours or isn't worth what I would spend for pre-school!!
I have been soo down lately!! I hadn't been taking my med. and with all the stress (and fighting) it has completely DRAINED me!! It is all I can do to just move. I started my med again and have been TRYING to get some exercise (hard when you have NO energy!!), so I hope I can start feeling better. It sure doesn't help with dealing with it all. It is such a vicious circle!!
My eating is terrible!! I am a stress eater so you can imagine!!
I have been praying daily; for us as well as for all those normally in my prayers. I am trying to keep the faith, but it is so HARD!!
I will try to update when I can from family computers.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

A Jersey Girl said...

I really do know where you are coming from. My husband LOST his job last year and we were in a bad way- he is working now, but things aren't great because of the loss last year.

I also suffer from depression(really bad) it has caused so many physical symptoms for me, I cannot tell you(currently I have HIVES!) It is crazy, but don't stop your meds, you know better, and with all that is going on you need them now.

Be Strong! Again, I am happy to listen if you need an ear:)
