No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Long Bouncy Ponyish Painful Cheesy Wild Week

This week has been long and a bit emotional for me.
We had 2 birthday parties:

The first was last Friday night for my nieces: Mackenzie & Riley. I took Princess by myself. Well actually, I did have to go pick up my other 2 nieces--Krystal & Skyla-- because my S-I-L had to work. It started at 6:30 pm. I am NOT a night person so, needless to say, I was in no way in the mood for this. Besides the fact that it was raining--ugh!! And my stomach was bothering me again so I was not feeling well to boot!!

Anyway, I really wanted to get Princess out as she doesn't get to do a lot and I thought she'd enjoy it.

It was at BOUNCE U. A new place in Blackwood. It sits at the back of the old bread factory building. As you can see from the name it has several big blown up devices that you bounce on--well, IN actually. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves--adults included--especially Princess.

I will post pics on We Plus Three soon. I had only planned on staying for a couple hrs. but by the time they were done bouncing and finally went in for pizza & the cake and finished it was a bit later. It was fine though. S-I-L was on her way from work, so I didn't have to take the girls home. So we stopped to pick up the KING--who was over his friend's house-they had been drinking and he didn't want to drive--who was not far from the party. And then we headed home.

I hadn't eaten much that day, but wound up eating a slice of pizza--greasy--and a couple bites of cake--at my S-I-L's insistance. Needless to say, this DID NOT bide well with my tummy! I wound up having a colitis attack-in the middle of the night- that lasted a few hours!

The second was the next day for our niece's son:Joey. It was at 3pm, which was good and bad because it did mean we had time to relax--more like recoop for me--but it meant another long night as it was almost an hour away. Princess enjoyed herself-they had a pony ride!!

My stomach held up--with the help of many aides--but I didn't eat all day. By later that afternoon, I was starving!! So I tried a plain roll. All seemed well, so I tried a ½ of a roll with a couple meatballs. So far so good. I made it through and we headed home only to head back out to drop Nico off at my dad's. They were headed fishing the next day. So we got home late again.

Princess had 2 late nights: one with no nap one day and the other with a couple cat naps. So come Sunday she was tired and cranky!!

All in all, it was a nice weekend. We all enjoyed ourselves.

Monday night I was stupid enough to stay up and watch the Eagles game--huh!!!

The week was filled with the norm: days trying to finagle paying bills, nights of tossing and turning!! Seriously, anymore I really hate going to bed.

But hubby did work most days, so I am happy and grateful for that!

I had another colitis attack Tuesday night. I thought the pain was bad on Friday!! OMG I was this close to having hubby take me to the hospital. But beings we don't have health insurance I tried to ride it out and I survived!! Thank the LORD!!!

Yesterday I took Princess to Chuck E. Cheese. She's been seeing the commercials and asking to go. I had a baggy full of tokens--from the last time we were there-- but I was waiting for hubby to go with. He has-thank God-been working, so he said to just take her and WE can take her another time.

She had a good time and then we stopped at Wendy's for lunch. Then headed home where we later had to go pick Nico up from school and run Tucks to the bank.
Later we had dinner and relaxed before turning in.

Today I had a rough AM but then realized my past few days of weepies and irritability were due to the hormonal effect of PMS!!

Hatin' it!!

Tonight I am without hubby. After a quick stop [well not so quick b/c he couldn't find what he wanted] at the ole K-Mart for a new pair of work boots {which only came to $5-yahoo!!} Princess & I dropped him of at his friend's house at 12pm on the dot!! They were off to an annual Last-Weekend-Of-Summer shinding--ya know a GUY thing--down in Wildwood. They drink-eat crabs-drink-sit out on the deck out back-drink-talk guy stuff-drink-eat some more good food-drink and then when they had their fill [some of them anyway-hubby included] and as if they hadn't had enough to drink, they head out to hit some bars [don't worry, they walk and take shuttles!!]. Then at some late hour they return to the house and crash. He'll be home tomorrow. I'll bet tired AND hung-over!! Huh-better him then me!! LOL

I do have to note that I am not happy about this THING--I don't believe in a spouse sleeping away unless it is work related/required--but, hey-life is short and who am I to stop him. He does take care of us after all. Oh and he does OWE ME, BTW!!!

I have been doing my bible study and bible reading almost everyday. It keeps me centered and peaceful. I actually have a rough day if I don't do one of them!!

Anyhoo, I am going to close this oh-so-long post. Just needed to vent!


P.S. I got notice in the mail today that we were approved for NJ Family Care!! Yahoo!!

The 3 kids got the A Plan which means, I believe-there is no co-pay and they can go to the dentist, as well. Hubby and I got the D Plan which means we have a co-pay--although, I'm not sure as yet what it will be--And NO dental coverage which is a bummer b/c I was hoping we could get to the dentist. Oh well, I am however sooo grateful to at least get what we did as we had NOTHING before!!! Our coverage begins October 1st--YEA!!! This will help us get thru the year until I return to work!!

Thanks Be To God!!!

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