No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tired Tears And the Lord's Comfort

Bad morning---bad, bad morning!!

The weepies have hit!!!

I hate when they strike w/o warning and hard!!

I STILL do not feel good--can't seem to get rid of this cold!!

I toss and turn at night so I am not getting good sleep so this leaves me tired and fatigued all day!!

I really want to go exercise: take my princess for a walk, do a video, try out the treadmill or stationary bike--but I just can't seem to get this tired body moving!!

Oh well, I am gonna go up and do my bible study because being that close to my Dear Lord brings me Peace-Joy-Comfort and makes me feel oh so much better and more apt to take on my day!!

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