No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Big Decision Because Life Is Short!!

Many things going on!!

Firstly, I just found out this morning that a former co-worker passed away this past week.
Greg was a great guy and will be sadly missed!!

Secondly, this brings me to a struggle I've been having: Hubby's friend has a house out in Costa Rica.
The friend, Dec goes out there a few times a year! The thing is-he wants hubby to go with him!
This is hard for me because I don't believe in spending that time away from your spouse unless it is work related and can't be avoided. They both have confronted me with this on a couple of occasions. Dec has even said he would give me like $300 cash for the time they're gone.
I just don't know if I could allow it.
On the other hand, I don't want to be a controlling kind of wife. Plus, I think that hubby should WANT to take me somewhere like that rather than want to go with Dec.
Esp. since WE have never been anywhere outside the US. Or on a plane, for that matter!
I think this issue bothers me more than hubby--although, I think he just won't admit that it does!!
We just found out last weekend that his brother, my BIL, is going with Dec in February.
So, I KNOW this has to bother him, but he says it doesn't.

Now with the news of the death of Greg, it really is bothering me even more. Seeing someone so young die makes me really think: who am I to stop hubby from going??
Life is so short, why not let him go?
So, after much thought and careful consideration, I THINK I am going to tell hubby to go.
I actually have been thinking about that anyway. His birthday is coming up next month and I thought that IT would be a great gift/surprise for him!!
I do think, however, that if Dec wants to compensate me, it's really gonna COST him!!
I was thinking, on top of the $300 I would like a little more!!

Maybe THIS or THIS !!!

Hey I might as well make it worth it on my part, right?


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