No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Up & Down Up & Down--I Feel Like I'm On A See Saw!!

These days have been tough--as usual!!
Still have good days and bad, although the bad seem more often!
GOD has been answering many prayers for me lately!! And for these I am humbly grateful!!
I have been keeping up with my Bible study, although not as much as I would like!!
I continue to pray--ALOT!!
I also listen to my spiritual music--especially at bath time with Princess.
She really loves the music and sings along, as well!

Things have gotten a little better financially, but not great. Hubby continues to get work at a half decent pace, so hopefully it will continue to improve!!
I am just nervous with the holidays coming--both for us through Christmas and work wise as the work seems to slow down at this time of year!! It will definitely be a 'light' Christmas this year, but it's fine. I much rather catch up with the bills!!
Our rent has gone up--property tax increase--but only $80 thankfully!! Hubby thought it would be around $50 but I thought it would be more, so I was thankful!!
We still owe my brother some money, as well as my in-laws and B-I-L. So I hope we can get straightened out with them soon, also!
God has been good to us, so I'm sure he will see us through, albeit at his own pace!!
We can be patient, it's the bill collectors that can't be!!

I am extremely frustrated these days! I visited the doctor 2 weeks ago to do something with my medication. It really hasn't been working, so I wanted to see what we could do.
Dr. Mike increased the dosage from 20mg to 40mg. And said to try it, but if I didn't see an improvement to call him.
Well, what I didn't realize was that I was already on 40mg. I filled the new script and was looking at my old bottle when I noticed. DAH--my head is definitely in the clouds these days!!

So last week, I called the refill line and explained my predicament but no one returned my call!
This is a problem I have with this office: It is soooooo hard to get meds changed!! Even to get a refill is like pulling teeth!!
I realize they have MANY patients, but come on. What if I REALLY needed the RX?? I actually do, but it isn't quite life and death right now!!

So on Monday, I called and spoke to someone. I re-explained my problem as well as *ask them to check my son's file to see if he received a specific shot. Still NO call back!!

Yesterday I tried another approach. I typed up my info, etc, and FAXED it to them.
As of right now--no call back!!
They have until lunch time and then I am calling and BLASTING somebody!!
This is utterly ridiculous!!

* I had just been informed by Niko's school that there is a case of Pertussis going around.
So I wanted to make sure he had an updated DTP immunization. I believe he did have one 2 years ago with his school physical but wanted to check to be sure.

Besides the shot info, I would really like to start my medication soon!!

I am feeling terrible mental wise these days--for obvious reasons.

Although, I do have to say:

How About Those Phils??
This is most definitely a BRIGHT spot in my world right now!!

We were so EXCITED last night!!
I was pacing up until that moment.
I was so hyped that Niko actually asked me if I was on something because I just couldn't sit down!!
Needless to say, we were one HAPPY bunch!!
We were jumping around and screaming!!
Oh--it was awesome!!

A car even went past our house--at like 10:15pm-ish whaling on the horn as they drove down the road !!

The streets in Philly were a mad house and completely packed with fans!!
I have to say though, after seeing the news this morning, I am extremely DISAPPOINTED that some fans caused so much damage to the area. There were broken store windows and a bus stop covering completely smashed. Why?? It is disheartening!!

Anyway, a Championship isn't the only great thing that happened yesterday!!

Miracles Do Happen and Stellan has arrived!!
Go check out this gorgeous and tough baby boy's photos!!
He and his family are truly amazing!!
I am so blessed to have been associated with such awesome people--even if it is only through the blogging world!!
It has definitely inforced--if not made stronger!!--my FAITH!!

Ok, well I need to go and get something done today!!

One thing being-applying the finishing touches to Miss Princess' Halloween costume!!

Let's put it this way: She is going to be 'The Cat's Meow' come tomorrow.
I'll be sure to post pics on WPT!!

Off to do some sewing and what not!



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