I am so tired today. Almost like I am due for my period. But I just had it--twice!!
My emotional state is up & down. Between the hormones and our financial situation right now, I don't know which end is up!!
Work has slowed down again with no jobs in site. I don't know what we are going to do! I couldn't pay my & Tomm's cell phone so our account is on restriction. At this point I can't make outside calls or text but can receive calls and Tomm can still do everything, but I'm sure it won't be for long. I have a shut off notice due today for COMCAST--phone, cable & internet. So probably tommorrow I will have no phone or internet and the one digital box we have will be shut off. At least we'll have the basic for a while and hopefully we can come up with some $$ before it gets completely shut off!!
It sucks b/c Tomm has sent out resumes, applications and e-mails w/his cell # and he won't have that, our home phone or the internet either. So this should be interesting!!
Why does everything have to be sooooo hard??
I just keep putting it ALL into our Lord's hands!!
He has a plan and I just have to trust in it!!
I truly wish there was something I could do from home...it would help so much!!
Oh well, I need to go rest my head for a bit and then get something accomplished today!!
Please say a prayer that some work comes up!!
In the mean time I suppose I will start looking for a smaller place to live...this one is just too much $$ wise anymore!!
We had such plans here and none of what we had hoped has panned out!! I- we had hoped that this would be it and we wouldn't have to move again! Oh well!!
I suppose it is not in God's plan for us!!
On a happy note- I am so happy to have reconnected with so many from High School!!!
Facebook is awesome!!
The down side though is it has brought back so many past feelings from the past, etc.
This isn't much a good thing with my emotional state already a mess!! UGH!!
Besides, I won't have the internet soon--hopefully not for long-talk about withdrawl!!
So when you don't hear from me for a while you'll know why!!
I am disgusted.....
but HOPEFUL!!!

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