No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, February 29, 2008

It's All In My Head!!

Ok, so today I want to talk about this debilitating disease that I battle everyday.

Unfortunately, this disease comes with a lot of stigma. It's not like having arthritis or basically, any other health issue. In today's society, still, it is unexceptable!! Isn't it funny how any organ in your body can have an issue with no one thinking twice. But when it comes to your mind, they talk! They shun! They avoid! They don't understand it it just doesn't exist!!

If you haven't already guessed it... I suffer from DEPRESSION! There...I said it!
I let down my guard and spoke the big 'D' word!!

Now, I don't know when it actually started. I could have had it all my life. But I do know when it really became a problem and affected my life.

Right after Tomm was born, back in 1989, I think is when it reared it's ugly head! At the time, I just thought it was the affects of having a newborn, but now I see it was more!

Whether it was the circumstances at the time or the ones from the past, or the hormones or a combination of it was there! At this point in my life I have definitely had my share of drama & stress. This I could write a book about...and is a whole other post.

Needless to say, this MENACE had gotten worse over the years. Although, I have to say, certain aspects did improve but at the same time new ones began. So, it has been a constant struggle all these years. I eventually sought medical attention and took medication...still do. I will go into more detail in future posts.

It's just so damn hard some days, especially when no one really understands it. I feel like I am so ALONE and sometimes I think that just makes it worse!! It seems like an endless circle very often. This is one carousal ride I need to GET OFF!

So you see, I am in constant search of that LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.
I know it's will just be a JOURNEY to get to!

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