No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

What Is It Going To Take?

You know when I finally get to actually sit and write here I completely draw a blank. On the way home from taking Nick to school this morning I had so many thoughts going through my nothing!!

I did think of another thing that definitely needs improving and that is my organizational skills or lack there of!! I suppose that this would fall under my Physical Being but if you think about it, it can actually pertain to my Mental and Spiritual Beings, also. LORD knows they could use some organization as well!!

OK, now it seems to be coming to me:

I guess today, and going along with my 'one thing at a time' rule, we will start with my Physical Being. This is in desperate need of repair!! I am most definitely over weight!! I am not at the highest weight I have been. Thank the LORD above, I was able to lose about 20 lbs. since Shea was born. But I seem to be stuck at this weight. It feels like no matter what I do it really doesn't budge. I can eat plenty of junk and not really can any weight, albeit a couple pounds - no big deal. But then when I eat well and work some exercise in, I'll lose a couple pounds but that's it. Be it muscle weight gain or who knows what else, it just doesn't move!! This is indeed frustrating!!

I guess I am a step ahead in the game because I KNOW I need to eat better and EXERCISE!! The problem is the motivation. I just can't seem to get moving. And this is where the organizing comes into key. I NEED to organize & prioritize my time to fit it in!! I have ALL the tools I need (I will go into detail with those at a later time)! I just need to get my butt rolling!! And keep it rolling!!

I have to admit though, I am a bit confused sometimes at where I should be weight & body image wise. Let's face it, society makes it quite difficult!! On one hand we are told to love the bodies we are in and make peace with ourselves. And on the other hand, we are told that being over weight isn't healthy. What it comes down to is how you feel in your own body! We all need to me moving and to eat right. It only does the body good! So you actually can be a big person, per say, but as long as you are active and eat right you are good. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself and sometimes I guess I am!! But I do need to improve myself in this area. Not only for my looks but for my health, for my kids!! I could go on and on with this subject but what it comes down to is getting my butt up and moving.

This, however, is easier said then done. I won't get fully into it now because this is a whole other and different post, but I suffer from a debilitating disease that makes it hard for me to get motivated, among other things!

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