No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Think I See Some Light!

Is that some light I see? Actual light at the end of that long dark tunnel??

I believe it may be!!
Although things aren't great, they are looking up a bit. Today anyway.
I have to say, last night, as I laid down to go to sleep, I had a sense of calmness. The worry had simply vanished! I have been 'trying' to put it in God's hands.
All week I have been sweating it waiting for this check due hubby to come in the mail. The guy who it's from is usually pretty prompt! Granted, his father passed away 2 weeks ago, but we waited until after the funeral to fax the bill. That was last Tuesday and still no check.
So today, after checking the mail and finding, NO CHECK, again, I had to make the dreaded call!
I had to call the electric company to make payment arrangements!! Well, I was pleasantly surprised to be serviced by an automated system. Now, I know all the utilities have this, but usually you talk to someone in this particular matter. Well, this could not have been a better time to have it, as I didn't have to go through the embarrassment of explaining WHY I couldn't pay my bill. To top it off, the 1st payment was less than I thought it would be AND it doesn't have to be paid until next week, 4/10. YAHOOO!!! We went from being shut off if we didn't pay a BACK balance off $336 (with this month we actually owe $472) by tomorrow to only having to pay $167 NEXT week and then $51 added to the monthly bill for 6 months. This isn't a big deal because I hope to just pay it up to date quicker, but if not it is do-able.
Needless to say, I was extremely relieved and immediately thanked our great Lord above. Someone is definitely looking down on me today.
Although, I believe I was shorted some $36 from the Penny Arcade at Commerce, but that's a whole other story!!

Now, all I have to do is come up with a way to make my late car payment this month!...
And all will be right with the least for now!!

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