No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, April 4, 2008

The Long & Lonely Winding Road

Today I woke up in a blue mood again. Whether it be the fact that it is a cloudy and blah day or due to forgetting to take my medicine before I went to bed last night or the stress lately, or a combo of it all...I don't know. All I know is I am sooo tired of it!
Anyway, yesterday I went & put an application in at The Goddard School. My mother-in-law told hubby she saw a sign outside the daycare down the street from them. Of course I went to the wrong one. I forgot that there is another one right before Goddard. Oh well, I was going to run over there today, but I have a massive sinus headache plus feeling the way I do I think I'll wait until Monday. I honestly am apprehensive about going back to work right now, firstly, I kind of had myself set to return next year when Shea was 4 and going to pre-school. ( I always send them the year prior to K) I was looking forward to spending this year doing stuff with her beings she is at a good age to take certain places! Secondly, if I go back now, it will have to be where I can bring her and still MAKE money so Archway would be out at this point, which would mean having to work the summers. The problem with that is leaving Nick home by himself. He is 15...enough said! I'll have to look into getting him in at the Archway summer camp so he'll be working also. More stuff for me to worry about and do. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but when you suffer fron this disease the littlest things are huge and it's a lot to handle!!
I can't get my self and house organized now while I'm home imagine what it's going to be like when I do work!!
That's another reason I don't want to work, not that I don't want to at all, just right now, I have enough on me now then I'll have that plus all this because no one will help me. I just don't know if I can handle all that right now. Don't get me wrong, I do want to go back to work. I did enjoy it before Shea. I just don't think it's the time right now, other of course then needing the money plus I don't know if I'm ready!!
Oh well, I have to go get something done today!! Shea needs a bath and I need some ibuprofen!! My head is POUNDING!!
I wonder why??????

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