Ok, so this weekend hubby found out some of the financial details that he has been avoiding!!
I told him about the electric bill. Stupid me thought he would be happy that we only had to fork out $167 this week instead of the $470. No, he was more upset that we owed $470!!

This then led into a lecture which then went into..." The next thing you know the car payment will be late, blah blah blah...did you even pay the car payment this month?" NO... lecture!!
I honestly do not know how he thought we were going to pay it, but somehow it was my fault and this is exactly why he wants me to go find a job and DO something with my life!!

Later, he came up stairs and yelled at me that if I would have helped Tomm 4 months ago that he would have had a job already...so now Tomm not having a job is MY FAULT...OK!!
Tomm has been filling out applications all over for months. He has been to several interviews to boot!! Now I am ordered to go with him TODAY to fill out apps. at Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. in all the different locations AND make sure he is filling them out correctly!! Ya...OK!!
I am going to drag a toddler to and into ten thousand different places to HELP a perfectly capable adult FILL OUT applications!! HELLO!!!!!

I was going to run over today and fill out an app. at that other daycare but I'll do that tomorrow! My stomach is bothering me today...so I am not venturing far! I do have to run to the banks and pick up Nick, but that is it!!
Right now I am going to update my resume then e-mail someone from the paper about a work from home job. I don't have much hope in it because it's sales with insurance and a commision based thing but I'll e-mail this woman to at least see what it's about. Can't hurt, right?
BTW...today is Tomm's 19th b-day which makes me feel even older than I alredy felt turning 40!! BLAH!!
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