No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Level But Still Unsteady!

I am feeling a bit better. Hubby and I took Shea down the shore today. He had a job to do for a regular customer who owns a shore house in Longport. The weather was supposed to be half decent but it turned out to be a yucky day. Down there anyway. As we got down there, it was foggy and damp. We had hoped the sun would at least try to come out. No such luck! I figured I could take her for a walk, go to the playground and take a stroll on the beach, maybe let her play in the sand a bit. She had her bucket and shovel ready!

From the third floor, you can see the playground and the beach. There were city workers doing some maintenance on the playground and after they left they had orange cones down and caution tape up blocking everything. So, that was out. We looked over at the beach and there was a digger truck over at the entrance we use pushing the sand around. I figured when they were done we could run over. started to rain! The walk and the beach were out, too. Oh well, a least we got out of the house and it was nice and warm & cozy with an excellent view of the ocean up on the 3rd floor. Quite relaxing!! Shea amused herself. So it wasn't a complete loss. Plus we got to spend the day with Daddy!!

Now I have to call our accountant to go pick up and pay the fee for our taxes, so we can get our refund back. I also have to call the electric Co. to make that payment now that I have that money. I tried to pay it online last night but they wanted the whole $471, which I do not have. Hopefully, hubby will get that last check from the basement job so we can pay on everything else. It is all building up quick. But even he said today that we just have to start paying on them with each check he gets. YEAH, that's was the whole problem...he would tell me to hold off and then there wasn't any money to pay them, etc. Then it was always my fault somehow. But at least now he is GETTING IT!! Yahoo! Plus we started this week taking 10% of each check he gets and putting it into our savings. So maybe now things will start getting better!!

I pray!
On the exercise front I did ½ hour on this yesterday!

I hope to do it again tonight! I read my book while doing it so it actually goes by quick. I can not read my book unless I am on it so it will hopefully get me on it!!

Diet wise, not too good, but not that bad. I am just trying the exercise and not too much junk...we shall see!!

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