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Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Believe In Angels...Do You?

A little sprinkling of angel dust to start your viewing journey.

Have you ever said to yourself..."what a close call that was!" or..."wow what a lucky break!"..? Well, maybe you should consider that those times weren't lucky at all but instead..... the work of your guardian angel!!


I believe in angels and the help that they can give.

I believe God gives us one for as long as we shall live.

I believe that angels come in forms some with wings and some without.

I believe that angels guard us..of that I have no doubt.

I believe that angels roam the earth ever watchful for despair.

I believe that angels guard our land,our waters,and our air.

I believe the angels shed a tear when the words..I don't believe..are said.

I believe the angels hear all prayers, even ones said in our head.

I believe that every shiny star is an angels twinkeling eye.

I believe that angel pillows are the clouds up in the sky.

I believe in angels presence and their love and comfort too.

I believe God gave us each our own, one for me and one for you.

written by and 7copy;pansy1999

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