No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Oh What A Beautiful Morning--Oh What A Beautiful Day!!---Well, Maybe Not!!

She and I took a nice walk this morning. We walked all around our neighborhood.
It was such a beautiful day!! There was a great breeze blowing. I just LOVE when it's like this!! I enjoy looking at the houses and the trees. The squirrels running around and listening to the birds chirping!!

Yet, even though I was enjoying it---all I wanted to do was cry! I am so tired!! I either don't sleep well and then when it seems I am, Miss Princess comes in and wakes me up. Then I can't go right back to sleep.

I am also so disgusted. Tomm still hasn't found a job yet and his insurance is due next month. Although, when that came in we were suprised---it went down quite a bit!! Last year his payments were $503 a month for 6 months. This year, it's only $348 a month for 6 mos. Big difference--so at least he won't have to come up with as much!!
Now he just NEEDS a job to pay it!!

Work is still extremely slow for hubby. The bills are piling up, esp. the rent. Today he is over the landlady's house doing some work to take off from the rent. It isn't much but any little bit is better than nothing!!

I really NEED to find something to do from home--but what??

Have I mentioned how disgusted I was? Oh, I did?
Oh well!

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