So now, just a little update: I have been feeling better. Back on my Prozac. I finished the Lexapro I had from MIL so I started back on my old script. I didn't want to be un-medicated, even if the Prozac doesn't work as well!
I just sent in the application for NJ Family Care--hopefully our whole family will get it--then I can go back to the doctors and maybe try something else, something new.
Plus, it would be REALLY nice for us all to go to the dentist!!
Praying for this insurance!!
One of my siblings and their spouse & children stayed with us the other night. This sibling had called me upset because the spouse had a fight with our other sibling. Now they all live together with my dad in the house I grew up in. The fight actually involved the fighting sib's friend and the first sib's spouse. Let's put it this way--it was a bit violent! That being said, that sib's friend was asked to move out. They did along with the sib. Hopefully everything will work itself out. But right now there is A LOT of bitterness, so we shall see!
Like I DO NOT have enough stress in my life...it is always something!! But that's what sibs and family are for!! If you don't have them then who do ya have?
Oh well---off to finish making my famous (imitation) crab cakes--yummo!!

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