No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, August 11, 2008

I've Got A Riddle...

I've got this really weird feeling inside!
I don't know exactly when it started; sometime yesterday afternoon, I suppose.
It is just the strangest thing right in the pit of my chest.
It's a little bit saddness, a little bit hopelessness, a little bit excitedness, a little bit of hope...I don't know how to even explain it!
I was telling hubby this morning and he said 'You better NOT be pregnant again!!'
I took a walk this morning with the Princess and the feeling was so strong yet I DO NOT know what it is!!
I also felt like crying, which is my demon shining through, I know!
Yesterday it accompanied my scared feeling while we had a tornao watch. So, it actually didn't help that feeling!
Last night, as I felt the cool air coming in the window, it felt a bit like fall. Maybe it goes with that 'Back To School' dread I get every year, even though I've been out of school for, what, 23 years now! I definitely felt it this morning as we strolled past the elementary school! Knowing in just 2 short weeks it will be busy with teachers, parents and students all busling around on the first day back to school.

Maybe it's because of some news I got over the weekend! Some good, some bad! Some known, some secret!!
It almost takes my breathe away! It's causing a lump in my throat! As I sit here I can feel it bubbling inside! I really just want to scream!! UUUGGGHHH!! What is this???
Maybe it's the dread I am feeling because of the bills coming due this week and past that I can't pay right now. [On a good note: hubby is working this week--yay!!]
If I figure it out I will be sure to let you know!! If you ahve an idea, please share!!

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