No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

The World Around Me Makes Me Sad

It is so hard to LIVE with depression in this maddening world. Everywhere you turn around there is so much sadness!! I hate to watch the news!!

Having this depression also makes it extremely hard to deal with the cause I do!
TAY SACHS DISEASE is such a horrible, dreaded disease that takes the lives of innocent undeserving children at such a young age. And, unfortunately, it TAKES their LIVES from the moment they are born with it!! It goes hidden for a while. The family unsuspecting! Then it shows its' ugly face slowly.
It takes so much away from these precious kids. They loose everything one by one; movement, speech, sight, hearing, the ability to eat, the ability to run & takes their LIVES before they even die from it!!
Some sooner than others!
Some families choose to use a feeding tube when the ability to swallow ceases. Other families choose not to. This decision obviously shortens their time, as in Charles' case. This was also the case with ^CONNER^ Hopf. This is an extremely difficult choice for the families involved. Already knowing that their child is going to die but then deciding whether they want to keep them going a bit longer with the feeding tube, keeping them as comfortable as possible or not and knowingly shortening their time with the child. This is a decision I would never want to make. We all know they are or will be in a much better place! In there case, being able to do ALL the things they never got to do here on earth; run, play and EAT and be FREE of any pain and of this TERRIBLE disease!! But it is sooo hard to let them go!! My heart breaks for these families. And it angers me to ALL extremes!! It is just so darn unfair!!

So, this is my plea... to you and everyone you know and meet!!
HELP me spread the word!!
Test for Tay-Sachs today...It is a SIMPLE BLOOD TEST! Remember our angels ALWAYS.
1 in 50 Irish Americans carry Tay-Sachs Disease, 1 in 27 French-Canadians, 1 in 250 of the General Population.
If you know a couple about to marry, especially, please urge them to have the test.
We could save so many precious children this way. And that's definitely one way to combat this horrific disease!!

JustBELIEVE in life
JustBELIEVE in miracles
JustBELIEVE in a cure

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