No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, July 21, 2008

OFF...For Who Knows How Long!!

I am seriously ready to LOSE it!!
My cell phone is now officially turned off!! Who knows when we will be able to get it turned back on!!
AND sometime today I have to call to get our Internet service removed. Hubby is VERY adamant about this and beings he is the sole bread winner, what can I say?
My only beef is: he doesn't want ANY Internet what so ever. I am hoping to find a free or very low cost ISP, but he says NO---NONE!!

I feel like a friggin' prisoner!! Ne Internet...what the heck!!
All I know is...he better be giving up the drinking if I have to give up this stuff!!
If we CAN'T AFFORD this stuff, then we CAN'T AFFORD the beer!!

P.S. So, needless to say, unless I get over to a family computer, I won't be on too often!!
This is sooooo NOT FAIR!!

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