No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prolonging the Inevitable!!

Well, as you can see, I put off calling to cancel our internet (to much grumbling- hubby) until today!! So, I am able to write one more post. This is going to be so hard!! I love blogging!! It keeps me sain!! It's the WAY I communicate w/ my buddies!! Come tomorrow I will be Internet-less, blog-less (@ home, anyway) AND celphone-less!! UUGGHH!!
This blows royally!!
I said I wanted to get BETTER!! But with everything going on I am WORSE...MUCH WORSE!!
Is it ever going to end?? I am soooo TIRED!!
Oh well, HOPE to SEE you soon...

I just wanted to add, that I AM extremely grateful for what I DO have and to be alive and OTHERWISE (ha) healthy!! It just that what IS going on NOW is really crappy!!
That's all!

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