No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Does The STRESS Ever End?????

Hey all--

It has definitely been a very emotional week for me!!

On top off dealing with my regular demon, I now have anxiety to boot!!

I am trying really hard not to stress out about everything but it seems that everything is stressing me out!!

We are still struggling in the financial department and this is my major cause of stress.

Hubby has worked this past week and for that I am grateful. But we are just soooo far behind from when he had no work that it feels as if we will never catch up. I am really worried about the utilities being shut off!! I just do not know what to do!! I seriously need to find a way to make money from home!! Any suggestions??
I am ALL ears!!

He has also been working at our landlady's house which comes off the rent!! We are almost caught up on the past two months. Hopefully it will happen before next month!!

I am going ape w/o my cell phone!! I knew I would miss it but not this much!! Oh well!

Tucks went for a job interview Friday morning. They called him back that afternoon to come back for a second interview on Monday!! He had found the listing on Craig's List, e-mailed his resume and was called to come in for the initial interview all on Thursday!!
Keep your fingers (and toes!!) crossed and say a prayer!! He wowed them with his political and sports knowledge so we are hoping it left a good lasting impression!! We shall see!!

Nico goes back to school (gr. 10) in 2 weeks and, like all teenagers, he is hounding me about school clothes! I don't even want to talk about this!! Don't know how this is gonna go!! HA!AAAGGGHHH!! I got news this week that my brother has a new wife, step-daughter and twins on the way!!
I wound up being the last in my family to know and this upset me a great deal!! My brother finally e-mailed me his news!! Apparently, he was text-messaging me but, of course, my darn cell phone was shut off!! But I do have a house phone AND an e-mail address!!

He is stationed down in Georgia. They are coming up here the last weekend in August (this month) to renew their vows in front of our family! They were married back in April.

We do know that one of the babies is a boy but the other is hiding and they can't tell the sex!

We are all excited to meet the new family members and can't wait to celebrate in Cape May August 31st on the beach!!

This is Reggie & his new wife Helen

This is my new step-niece Katelyn

So--you see why I am so stressed!! Between THINKING I wasn't going to be told the news (or invited), finally finding out this BIG news--on top off my regular stressers--I have been very OFF!!

I hope things start getting better real soon and start settling down. Because my body is definitely reacting to all this stress and Lord only knows what will happen next!!

1 comment:

Machel (Kurzhals) Pendlebury said...

I hate that you are going through all this. It all seems to come at once. I definitely know how you feel. Jim has been out of work since March. He has been getting his regular paycheck (which will stop after next month) but it is just barely enough. He is actually getting worried. He has been applying like crazy at different telecom companies but so far, nothing. He is actually looking into some kind of work at home business. There are soooo many scams out there that we are kinda scared about most of them. He is doing A LOT of research on them. If we come across any that are legit and actually works, I'll let you know.
I hope everything settles down for you soon. I do say a prayer for you everyday.
Congrats on the new sis-in-law and family. That was really mean not telling you, but I'm glad you found out. It'll be cool to have twin nephews/nieces.
I have cousins who are triplets (1 boy, 2 girls, all fraternal).