No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Take 2 Steps Forward and 4 Steps 4 Million Steps Back

Alas, I regress!
It seems everytime I start to do/feel better it is followed by a backward tumble!

I don't know what is wrong with me!
I feel terrible!
Between my regular demon and now this anxiety--
my allergies/sinuses are acting up causing me terrible headaches and nausea!
I hope it's just the allergies--it feels as if I may be getting a chest cold.
Last thing I need right now is to get SICK!!
Ha that's an understatement!
I guess I should say --sicker!
I just don't feel like doing anything!!
--I WANT/NEED to spend time with my precious baby girl!!
--I WANT/NEED to get things done!!
--I WANT/NEED to walk and get exercise!!
BUT it just isn't happening because what I REALLY WANT to do
is just climb into bed under the covers climb under a rock and veg!!

It is so hard to fight this when you are feeling OK but it is SO much HARDER when you don't feel well!!


Please watch over me and rid me of these horrible things.
Please take away this DEMON and it's FRIEND and help me to feel and live a normal life!

I ask this in your name DEAR LORD!

Thank you!


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