No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lovesongs In The Night aka My Bible Study

I started out this morning going to clean my bedroom but yet here I am!
I was actually up there ready to dust and vacuum when I decided I needed some music.
I turned on my clock radio and dialed through the stations. But I just couldn't seem to find something to listen to.
I have found that lately I don't have much taste for the TV or radio.
Blogging and reading are all I really like to do in my down time anymore.
Anyway, I was thinking. I wanted to listen to something. Then I remembered a blog I frequent.
My blogger friend Jennifer listens to Hymns or Praise and Worship music when she has it on in the background. So I thought I'd give it a try!
I new I had a couple CDs or tapes laying around so I went in search of them.
I hit my bookshelf first.
And this is what I found:

It's actually in book form with the CD tucked in back. I knew it was there. Has been for years. It was one of the things I got from my father when my mother past away. She was very much into the spiritual thing and he had given me all her tapes, etc.

I have picked this up many times, not really knowing what it truly was. I new it was a spiritual thing, yeah, but I didn't really know the depth of it--until now, until today!

I picked it up and looked it over. I had just intended on listening to the CD.
But I scanned through the book and realized it was a bible study!
I have been actually wanting to do one, but just never got around to it.
The ironic thing, though, about this particular one is it's about being down, at your lowest basically and using the LORD as your help.
This is all I need and so much more.

As you know, I am going through an extremely rough time right now, in all areas in my life.
I don't know how much lower I can go and my body is truly feeling the affects of my stress!

There was an incident yesterday that has brought me even further down, which I can't and won't go into. Nothing real big but enough to put a huge dent in my soul!

When I tell you I am drowning-- I AM DROWNING!! FAST!!

So, I picked up this book and read the Introduction and it related to me so much.

What I am experiencing is a 'night season'.
The Intro by Phyllis J. Levy starts off with:
I think we all experience the night seasons when darkness obscures the promises of God and the lies of the enemy beat upon our souls with a relentless stream of accusations, bringing weariness and ineffectiveness into our lives.

In Matthew 11:12 Jesus said," The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force."

When difficult times come, and they always do, rather than curling up in a ball on the sofa and eating a container of ice cream in a posture of just giving up, or calling someone to help you get through it (there's a place for that too) we must turn to what God has to say...about us and the situation we find ourselves in. We must violently come against the lies of the enemy.
In this she states how she was battling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with no energy and she goes on to say:
In that night season of my soul when it felt as though my whole body had turned against me, the Lord said,"NEVER ALLOW THE TRIAL OR CIRCUMSTANCE TO CONFORM YOU TO IT'S IMAGE."
She also says:
Satan wants us to feel like losers in one way or another, but God's plan is that we go from "strength to strength, victory to victory."
She says
as you do this Bible study let the word of God become "stepping stones" that lead you through the darkness and into His glorious wholeness and purpose. Know truly that, "When you can't see the light, He brings Lovesongs in the Night."

P.S. I will keep you updated on my progress--
Back to my bedroom for some cleaning!
(I hope to start this study sometime later today!)

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