No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Up & Down--Am I On A See Saw??

I still don't have time to update my BS. I will soon, though. Just to let you know: it has been going well--very enjoyable and spiritually lifting!!

I have been doing better lately with my demon, but unfortunately the stress is recking me right now.
I have suffered from IBS since I was a teen. My mother had Colitis, so I guess I inherited this from her! Anyone that has suffered from any form of IBS knows quite well the pain and such involved. I have had 'attacks' here and there over the years. Usually after a very stressful event. But then it would pass. I have noticed as I get older that, although I don't get attacks as often, I do get some minimal pain on occasion along with having to use the bathroom. Nothing big, though. The big thing is that when I DO get an attack it seems to take a long while to recoup. Much longer than in previous years. I had an attack last week. Today I am still feeling the affects, esp. in my lower back. Usually it would be in the lower abdominal, but it seems since Nick's c-sect. birth back in 1993 my insides seem to have been turned around. What I used to feel in the front I now feel in the back.
Anyway, that being said--I have had quite a bit of pain and discomfort in my lower back. If I get up from either laying or sitting, it takes a few minutes to straighten up and I have to walk hunched over. This will pass and it has gotten better since the initial attack last week. But it is a pain-no pun intended-to be running to the bathroom and walking a bit hunched.
I just hope I am feeling OK come Sunday!!
Oh well, I'll pop a couple immodium tablets and watch what I eat and I'll be fine!

Ya know what I say to the pain?
Oh poop--pun intended!! Ha Ha LOL

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