No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, September 26, 2008

A Simple Friday Prayer

Dear Lord-
Please look down on me today and bless me with Your presence.
As I open my heart to You, please give me the strength to let certain things go.
Please guide me to where I need to be.
I leave all my troubles in Your hands and I am completely at Your will.
Please lead some work our way so we can keep our children warm, safe and fed.
You have kept us going thus far and I am truly grateful for all You have given me!!
I thank you in advance for all that is to come.
I also ask You to bless those who have faltered along their journey.
Give them guidance and show them the proper paths.
I am so blessed to be loved by You and to not be judged for my actions.
I know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions and I am forever grateful to have those choices. Please let those who find it so hard not to judge us--because we are different or less educated or because they do not like what they hear-- find there own peace and be less judgemental of others.
Please open my mind and help me to be more fluent and creative in the way I need to get my points across.
Bless those of my friends who are in the midst of a health crisis, especially Joe (Helene) Malone & Greg (Shelly) Trefz. Please show then Your Grace and heal them soon.

I thank You again for everything-My Dear Lord!

In Your Blessed Name,


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