Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you all had a great Christmas holiday!
I do wish you all a new year full of many blessings
and lots of love!!
Anyway, with the new year I thought I'd try
--this being the operative word--
to start again on more self-improvement.
It's not that I haven't been doing anything.
On the contrary, I have.
But only with my Spiritual Being
-which still needs more work, but is off to a good start.
I am definitely in a better way with this
this past year
as opposed to the one before!
But I have to admit
my Physical Being
was put to the wayside.
Last year I did start Weight Watchers,
but sadly I didn't stick to it long.
I do hope to return to the program,
but right now things are extremely tight
and I won't be able to purchase the correct foods needed.
That being said, I will wing it food wise
and just watch what I eat.
I will also try to get moving more
and fit in more exercise!!
Today started off well.
So far, I ate some oatmeal for breakfast
and a egg salad sandwich for lunch
with some chips.
I didn't snack up until now
other than a piece of hard candy
and a piece of gum.
I'm not sure about dinner yet,
but it will be sensible, as well.
As far as exercise,
I danced this morning with Shea.
It was really fun
and she was so cute!
She kept on wanting me to replay the song
and do it again...
so I got a work out there!
I was definitely sweating!!
Later, I was up and down the steps numerous times
bringing the empty deco boxes up
and then putting the
--fairly heavy--
filled boxes back down
in the basement.
It was enough to make me breathe heavy,
so I would consider this a work out as well!
I hope that while getting my Physical Being straightened out,
my Mental Being will improve!!
So here's to a wonderful 2009!
Wish me luck!!

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