No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You Can Find Inspiration In Any Place!

Recently I found a couple very inspirational books.
I found these little treasures at the
dollar strore actually.
I had had my eye on them for a while.
At $3 a piece they wouldn't exactly break my bank, but I held off-usually not having quite enough cash on me at the time.
Then the other day I noticed that they were reduced to half price!!
Even better, so I scooped them up!
I read one of them that night and scanned through the other-liking what I was reading.
So much so, that I ran back and grabbed the last 2 off the shelf to give to my SIL!!

Take a peek at my finds...

The first book was this:

This book goes right along with my belief that
'Everything Happens For A Reason'!
It shows that a coincidence-even a silly little thing- can change the course of your day.
Or even your life, for that matter!
Is it by chance?
Is it just luck?
Or is it God communicating with you?
Read it and judge for yourself!

The author SQuire Rushnell has other books to this series, as well.

The second:

This book is packed chock full of 'devotions to free your spirit and fill your heart'!
It is written by the Women Of Faith authors.
Need a spiritual lift?
This is the book for you!!


1 comment:

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I'm with you. There is no such tihng as a coincidence.

I tell my children that a coincidence is for those who refuse to give God the credit.

...and if only I would get motivated to work out! ugh