I am sooo frustrated!!
Since I went back to work full time,
I've been finding it very hard to do all
the things I want!!
1. Keeping up

has gotten on the boys to help out more; which
has been a struggle to say the least. I have gotten
them to do their own laundry, which helps.
Now if they could just pick up after themselves
and help with more chores, that would be AWESOME!!!
2. Blogging, Facebooking & E-mail: I do find the time to get on Facebook, which is made easier now that I can access it on my phone. I do have a hard time keeping up with checking my e-mail. Once I get my phone repaired, I will be able to access that on it, as well. That leaves the blogging. I had a hard enough time keeping up with my blogs [4, not including the business one!] before going back to work! Now it's almost impossible. But I REFUSE to give them up!! So I WILL find a way to work them into the mix!!
3. COUPONING: My friend has found the secret to this activity in saving money. Yes, I shop at
Aldi & dollar stores to meet our needs, but Shelly gets these things cheap and/or FREE most of the time with money back...YES she actually MAKES MONEY buying the things she needs!!
[I have to find the time to scan the circular, make my lists, find the proper coupons and go to each store.] I REALLY need to work this into the mix, as well!!!!
4. Socialize: I've never been much on going out but I'm finding, now that I have met more people [thru work] and reconnected with old friends/classmates plus deciding that this year is MY year doing more for ME and living a little, that I DO want to do it more. Problem is, besides NOT being a night person, my schedule makes it a bit hard. I work Fridays [1-9] and Saturdays [7am-9pm]. Working late on Fridays and having to be in so early on Saturdays sure makes it rough to go out Friday nights. And, working 14 hours, on Saturdays I am a bit tired by 9pm. But having off on Sundays is a plus, so I guess going out once in a while is doable!!
5. Exercise & Diet: These have been a struggle for me!! I REALLY have to squeeze in time to exercise!!! My 25th HS reunion is coming up the end of July and I NEED to slim down!! As for the diet, it gets a little hard due to the temptation at work, but it can be done!!
It is truly just a matter of time management. And I am sure with the Lord's help I will
get it right. I just need the patience until I get there. This the Lord will help me with, too!!
Please...Say a prayer for me!!
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