No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Falling Hard!

Well, I fell off the wagon this weekend...BIG TIME!!! I ate...BOY DID I EAT!!! Exercise..huh...what? Didn't happen!! I think I realized another thing that seriously affects my mental being: candy, well the evil culprit is actually sugar. Because as I have actually been feeling better, I hit bottom again! I haven't felt like this since the last time I had some wine. Which is when I realized that alcohol, regardless of how little, brings me back DOWN!! Now this is also PMS week, along with possibly starting menopause, hence major hormonal imbalances, so they could also be responsible. But I have read that sugar can cause Depression, so I am sure it isn't helping if it isn't the total cause. I seriously need to STOP!! Easier said than done!!

Starting over this week: have to get myself back mentally before I can even begin the other stuff. The stress IS NOT helping!! We are broke...I mean completely broke! Which, by itself is bad enough but add in that my car payment was due yesterday and I don't know where to get it right now...UGH! First time it will be late since we've had it!! Oh well, can't draw blood from a stone, right? My gas, electric and water are all WAY overdue, also. Don't know where that is coming from either!! I am fretting telling hubby because he is going to freak!! He only likes to be so much aware and then when you have to let him in on the details he goes ape!! I don't feel like hearing him, so I always put off telling him things!! I always end up being to blame because I am the one spending: food, household, clothes, etc. All for the home. He acts as if I am stealing it away slowy to a secret overseas account or something...I WISH!!

SOOOO: my stress level is through the roof right now. I need to find a way to make money from home, which is easier said than done!!

Anyway, as far as my weight loss attempt.

I have been trying to do this:

And I actually did lose 3 lbs. last week, which I basically gained back over the weekend!!

So I need to start that back up or do something. I am seriously thinking about doing Weight Watchers. My friend Michelle does it and over the weekend I found out my niece and her hubby are doing it, too. She has lost 15lbs (him a little more: men always seem to have better success - more muscle!!) in the past 8 weeks. That's pretty good. She went to the first meeting to get the materials and didn't return, just has been doing it at home with her hubby. It's always nice to have someone in the home doing it with you. Makes it soooo much easier!! So, anyway, that's what I think I am going to do. Find a meeting and go the first time to get the materials.

On the exercise side of it: I really need to start that back up also.

I have enough things to keep from getting bored with just one thing!!

I also found this, which I totally forgot I have!! So, I'll have to give this a try soon:

But, again, this week I am going to get my mental being back on track. I changed meds. A family member had a RX that I had used before I had Shea and it worked great!! Of course, I stopped taking it when I found out I was pregnant. Since then, I do not have health insurance so my doc hs been prescribing me all the meds on the $4 Walmart Plan. Every one that I have used I haven't had any luck with. So now I have this other one, which worked well before and my family member isn't using it anymore, so it really helps me. The RX costs about $150 for a 30 day supply, which I can't afford. Soooo, thank you Lord for this gift!!

Well, that's all for today. I have to go start dinner soon.
Keeping the FAITH!!

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