No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Still Stuck In A Hole

The last couple days have been really rough!! I had felt okay Tuesday afternoon, after a tough morning. But now...UGH!! Yesterday I woke up in quite a mood!! Irritable doesn't even cut it. I don't think the PMS is helping but I don't think it is fully to blame. I think the new med I took Tuesday afternoon really made me tired. I guess because it's new to my system. I couldn't keep my eyes open Tuesday night and wound up falling asleep in my clothes. I had a really hard time getting up Wednesday morning. So yesterday, I didn't take it until before I went to bed, which as I remember I did when I took it before. I don't seem as tired and groggy this morning.
I am still soooo stressed!! I don't know what to do about the car payment and the other bills. Hubby borrowed some money yesterday, to help get us through for a little while. But that's not going to help with those bills. It will just help with groceries, gas, etc. I haven't said anything to him yet. I just wish he would pay more attention because I am so tired of being at the brunt of his frustration. I understand it is up to him to earn the income, right now. But don't 'shoot the messanger'! There is only so much I can do. When he's complaining how fast the money is going before I even pay a bill, what am I supposed to do?
I do need to straighten this out with him. I just don't know when. I keep hoping something will break and come through! The way I am feeling right now, i just can't deal with him!! He doesn't understand what's wrong with me. He just keeps saying I need to work out and I'll be good as new. Granted exercise is supposed to help but it doesn't take it away. So I find myself dealing with this by myself. Which makes it harder!!
I just keep praying that the Lord will help me...soon!

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