No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, March 21, 2008

The SECRET To My 'Pending' Success!

Yesterday I kind of took the day off. Not so much in eating, I still watched, but in the exercise department. I was just sooo tired and felt drained. I did run up and down the steps alot, so I did move some.

Today, however, I did a little on my own; some of the walking steps I use on this:

But I also decided to use something I had got last year. I had used it on occasion and pulled it back out now to 'change it up' a bit. I get very bored with doing the same ole' thing all the time.

So this morning I used this:

Now, for variety
I also have this:

I have some other exercise equipment, too!

So, hopefully I won't get bored and

I'll continue to do some form of exercise/movement!

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