No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

So Far So Good!

I've been doing OK these past couple days. Other then the 'BLUE' attack, I've been doing well. That has gotten better since Monday. I am so TIRED of being TIRED and feeling BLAH!!!

I did my workouts everyday so far. I'm using this:

I have been trying to watch what I eat and trying to 'LISTEN' to my body with the hungry/full thing. It isn't that is something you have to 'train' yourself to do. But it is do-able. Hopefully, I can & will stick to it ALL!! This weekend will be a test because it's a holiday. And you know along with holidays come FOOD!!! But I won't beat myself over it. I will go on to the next day because it's all I can do!! As long as I do some type of work out EVERYDAY, I can always adjust the eating. Again, ONE DAY/THING AT A TIME!! I have a better chance at succeeding if I don't completely overwhelm myself all at once!!

My next obstacle, which is also affecting my physical & mental being, is this:

I have to learn how to deal with it and relieve it on my own because Lord knows it will NEVER go away!! This, however, is easier said than done. But again, it is a work in progress.

It all comes down to 2 words:


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