No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

DETOUR: Due To Bumpy Road!!

OK, so I have come to the conclusion that IT isn't happening this week!! I just CAN NOT stick with it. Call it what you may; utter chaos, sheer exhaustion, total laziness, maybe a bit of all of the above! I know, I know, NO EXCUSE!!
I don't know why I do this to myself!!
I HATE living in this body and then what do I do? I go and eat chocolate chip cookie dough AND later have an ice cream cone!! That was yesterday! Today not quite as bad but not any better!!
I hope to get to a WW meeting tomorrow. Once I have that PLAN, I have NO excuse.
SO..... I are postponing my 'Back On Track' until Monday. I really don't have anything planned next week so I should be able to start fresh without distractions and detours!!
I am not even going to list my food items anymore this week. I will start that again Monday!
I just want to thank everyone who has been a support for me!! You know who you are and I am extremely grateful for it!! I am so thankful to GOD for this blessing, as without it, I wouldn't have any!! Humanly, of course...I know that HE will ALWAYS be my sole support!!

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