No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, April 28, 2008


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to START today!!

Yesterday, while playing basketball, Nick rolled his ankle. He hasn't been able to walk on it so, of course, this meant a trip to see Dr. Mike!!

I had a hair appointment with my sis-in-law this morning. Nick's appointment was @ 2:15pm.

By the time I got out of the salon, I had enough time to run home, change Shea and put her in for her nap, grab a bite to eat and pick up Nick.

We didn't get out of the doctor's office until after 5pm.

Needless to say, it was an extremely hectic day. On top of which it was pouring rain!! I believe that sitting around and WAITING & WAITING is just as draining as physical work!!

I was up @ 5:30am so I could barely keep my eyes open while sitting in the exam room @ the drs.!!

McDonalds was dinner!!

Todays Menu:

Pre-Breakfast: 2 cups of coffee

Breakfast: Nutragrain bar

also nibbled on a few card candies

Lunch: Leftover Chinese - Cashew Chicken w/rice and 5 PB m&ms

Dinner: McD's Grilled Chicken Salad

Downfall: Due to the stress of the day and also to the fact that it's THAT time of the month, I ATE quite a bit of reg. m&ms!! UGH!!

At least I had the salad and I DID drink almost a whole 16.9oz bottle of water!!

Hey it's a start...considering my day!!

Back on track tomorrow!!

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