No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Getting Back On Track

Ok, so I haven't put much time into this blog. I have been trying to get some exercise, but my eating habits are terrible. So today I am going to try again!!

First, I will try to get at least a ½ hour of some form of this...EVERYDAY or at least 3-4 days a week!!
Second, my friend Michelle (and some of the other park moms) is trying to complete a challenge at her church which entails reading the whole New Testament in a month. This has inspired me
to do the same. I do not understand the way she does so I do intend to use her blog posts on the subject in sync with my reading. My reading will also be a daily thing.

So, I am hoping and praying, with GOD'S grace, that doing the 2 activities above, being my Physical Being & my Spiritual Being, will in turn help my Mental Being!
I am hoping to overcome and conquer this debilitating monster and feel like a normal person again!!

My goal, along with the Spiritual aspect of course, is to go this route!!

So, every Monday I would like to post my weekly goals. I am realistic in the fact that I know life gets in the way and does alter goals and plans, so this is flexible!! It is not a rigid schedule, just things I HOPE to accomplish during each said week.

April 28 - May 4

This Week's Goals:

~ get at least a ½ hour of exercise a day, minimum 4 days.

~ eat healthier smaller sized portions

~ drink more water

~ attend a WW meeting to obtain materials: I will attend the first meeting only to get the proper books to start this program. I tried to purchase them on e-bay but they are way to much money!! Meeting - $13 versus e-bay- $50!! So, I'll have to stick out a meeting. I'm bringing Shea so I hope she can HELP me escape early!! LOL

~ to read the New Testament daily (towards the goal to read it in a month)

~ to work on a household organization project daily- there are MANY!!

~ to keep up with the cleaning!! (albeit hard with a big house, 2 BOYS & a hubby, who, BTW, all make messes for ME to clean up!!, a toddler, 2 dogs!!'s sad when the toddler does more clean-up then the males!! AND NO HELP!! Husband's words, "You are home all day!"

~ to post my daily log of events everyday.

***I will add more if I think of them or as they become necessary.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

i know it's difficult to change our habits (believe me) but i'm proud of you for stating your goals and for getting to work. it's a process!