No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm Like A Bird, I Wanna Fly Away...

Yes...Far Far Away!!!
Sometimes I look at them and think, what a a carefree life!!
So, I haven't been eating real great but I have been drinking my water!!
Wednesday I drank 2 16.9 oz bottles
Yesterday I drank a whole 1.58 Quart bottle!! It took all day, but I did it!!
I am aiming for another today!!
Exercise wise I haven't been completely busting my butt, but I have been doing a little.
Wednesday, I didn't do any but I went food shopping AND brought many many heavy bags in BY MYSELF, then was up & down the basement steps putting extra items away down there!! That has to count for something...I certainly broke a sweat!!
Yesterday, I took Shea for a walk. We walked down to the Dollar General for some odds & ends!! That's where I picked up my big water!! It was about a 20 min. walk to and then on the way back we stopped at the park for awhile, then went home. So I walked about forty mins.!! Not bad for me!! I was hoping to walk to HH Park with Shel today but it looks like we'll get rained out!!
I didn't make the WW meeting yesterday!! Someone asked me what my plans were for the day so I revealed them. The NON_SUPPORTING one said all I need to do is just exercise and that THAT was a waste and he's tired of me buying stuff, etc.!!! He THINKS it's so easy and that HIS WAY is the ONLY way. I am so tired of it all!! Lucky me, he was home yesterday. Today he is working, so maybe I can catch another meeting!! If worse comes to worse, I can use my Richard Simmons Deal-A-Meal, but it's a few years old and a bit outdated and I REALLY want to do the WW points!!
Too bad it's not winter...

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