No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's The Same Old Song!!

Like I said last post...not doing anything until Monday. I am still debating a WW meeting. I didn't go yesterday. Maybe today. I just can't even think about having to sit through a meeting knowing I'm NOT coming back, but then again, it's only ONE meeting, right? I'm just not a 'meeting' person!!

Exercise yesterday was nil. I had some errands to run plus I had a massive sinus headache. They seem to hate to go away!! I did drink over 2/3s of my 1.58 quart bottle, though. So at least that is something positive!!

I have not been reading the New Testament, either. I just feel so out of whack and not with it this week!! I hope I can turn it around come Monday!!

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