No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Standing Still

I has been a week since my last post!

My post last week came after a rather interesting night. I should say night ...into... morning!!
I let the incident ride all day Saturday. Frankly, I was tooooo tired and just didn't want to deal with it. I had literally been up all night!

Come Sunday I SHOWED my displeasure!! We even got into a bit of a yelling match, but for all it's worth I told him I DON'T CARE!! I have been very cold with him ALL week! I tried not talking to him, but that never works because of the baby. But I try to keep it frank.

This morning he commented on what a nice day it was going to be. Then asked if I was making margharitas. I told him no, besides I can't really drink anymore because of the way it makes me feel a day or 2 later. It brings me back down again...way down. He replied by saying he can't drink either but it's not going to stop him!! He'll drink no more and no less!!

I don't know how far we are going to make it. My landlord told us the other day she needs to sell this house and with us not being in any position to buy it, unless a miracle happens, we'll have to move. Come move time...we have no idea how or where we'll go...if he is still doing what he is doing, I think I'll be going to my dad's. I can not live like this anymore!!

On the physical front: Although my eating isn't the greatest, I have been getting in quite a bit of exercise!! YAY!!

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