No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Modified Week for Goals

Woke up today extremely irritable. Of course, this sinus headache isn't helping!! I had another one of those dreams again. I can't go into detail about them yet, but they have been happening more and more often!! They do affect my mood the following morning, I've noticed. Plus it's Monday!! I HATE MONDAYS!! It's like it's time to get back to reality...the real world!! UGH!!

This week I'm not listing the goals like I did last week. Only because until I get my WW book I know I won't get moving correctly.

I will say, though, that I do intend to:
Drink more water: that big bottle I have!!
Get more exercise: try to walk everyday!!
Read the New Testament: even if it's just a little!!
TRY to not eat the junk food (I start out good but then I just figure, heck, you haven't started WW yet, so why not? Plus I seem to be a night snacker!!) I bought more fruit, know i just have to eat IT!!

Wish me luck!!

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