No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Week 2: 5/19- 5/25

I had a very good week eating wise. I did pig out a little come Friday & Sunday, but didn't go over my weekly 35 Flex points!!

I drank all my water plus some!

I didn't exercise as much as I wanted to but did get physical activity in with helping LL.

The only problem I am having is I am HUNGRY all the time!! It seems as soon I am done eating a meal not a ½ hour later I am hungry again!! Almost starving!! I hope my stomach adjusts because I HATE this feeling!! This is PMS week, so I am irritable enough. Add in the hunger and I find myself ready to tear someone's head off!!

I have been feeling better mentally, so maybe the sugar does have something to do with it! I'm sure it does! We'll see.

My goals for this week are:

~Try to get more walking in, even if I am helping LL.

~Start using the Ab Lounge.

~Read the Bible--haven't read any this past week.

~Try to start a little more organization. This may be hard with working outside the house with LL, but I want to try!!

Ok, so all my hard work this week was not in vain!!

My total week's weight loss is: 7 lbs.!!

Can you believe it? I am sooooo siked!!

I know it will probably start to slow down, as my body adjusts and as I gain more muscle. But is is very motivating to see!!!

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