No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Monday, June 9, 2008

6/9 - 6/15 Goals

This week I hope to get a little more muscle workouts in.

My Shapely Secrets works well for that. I definitely feel it the next morning!!
I have been really pushing myself with it!!

My water intake has faltered a bit, but I am drinking a lot so it doesn't concern me too much!

I lowered my points by one from 25 to 24 points.

If all my effort works this week , I will have to lower them again next week to 23.

So far so good...we will see!!
I will keep ya updated!!

My mental being is pretty good. I am into PMS week again, so we will see.
Other than worrying about the bills, I have been actually feeling pretty good!!
I've been praying alot...not just for me but for many others... believe me, my prayer list is longgggg!!

That's all for now!!

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