No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Out Of Shape

When you think of these words what may come to mind is not being physically fit.
You may even think of an old worn sweater.
But to me they mean more--Let me explain:

As I was returning home from dropping my son off at school this morning, I was listening to a popular morning show on a local radio station. Usually I have the radio on in the background but I don't usually listen, I just enjoy the views I have of the busy world around me.

Anyway, as I was driving along- feeling down as I have been these past few days- the clouds looming above with the sun struggling to shine through, I overheard a piece of the conversation on this show. The words I heard were: In Shape. Now, the radio personalities meant people being physically fit. But, as I heard these words something else came to mind: Being Out Of Shape

My first thought, of course, was-yeah, I really need to start exercising more and getting my body into better shape.-But then it dawned on me: Wow-To me these words just plain describe my whole being right now.

Simply put-Out Of Shape!!

Oh yes, I will certainly be the first to admit my physical being is Out Of Shape, but as I take a deep look at myself, I also see other things in this same matter!

My spiritual being is running this same course. Oh, I am trying hard to re-shape it, but it just quite isn't there yet.

My mental being is almost as
Out Of Shape as my body. This is a more deep subject and quite frankly, a rougher area I am battling. The medications over the years simply do not work. Yes, they help a bit and make me feel somewhat better, but not completely!

This is where Jesus steps in! I won't go on into detail right now because I actually have another post on this subject, but in short--I have to work from my spiritual being up for everything to fall into place!!

Then maybe, just maybe this 'Out Of Shape' person will one day become FIT!!

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