No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Many Names Of What Ails Me aka DAH.....

It dawned on me the other day-- as I was struck by a sudden crying jag and felt utterly and completely full of despair wondering why the heck this was happening-- that the reason I was feeling this way, the reason why this came on all of a sudden with full force was actually quite simple!

As you all may know, I have been doing some Bible Study, although not as often as I should be or would like. I have been, however, reading my bible itself more. Opening my heart, my mind, my body, my soul to Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ -I have been reading his word with much thirst for his Grace!!

It has been since then that 'My Demon' has been rearing it's ugly head. Returning after a peaceful period of feeling OK.

DAH...Suddenly it became oh-so clear! I don't know why I hadn't thought about this before!!

Or why it even came to me now!!

But My Demon is in fact, an actual demon.

Have you guessed it?

Do you know what, or should I say WHO, I am talking about??

If you haven't guessed--I am talking about The Devil himself!!

This entity is commonly referred to by a variety of names, including Abbadon, Angra Mainyu, Satan, Asmodai, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Belial, and Iblis.

Whatever his name--whatever you choose to call him--He just never gives up!!

But guess what?

Neither do I...

And neither does The Lord!!

1 comment:

Machel (Kurzhals) Pendlebury said...

You go girl!!! Show that DEMON that he has no control over your life. God is the one in control of our lives, Satan only if you let him. Realization is the first step in getting rid of the DEMON.
Like I have said, if you ever need to talk when you are feeling down, I am here to listen. I am a very good listener and do not judge people. I can't since I am not God and he's the only one who can judge.

Hope you are doing better then.
I'll bet once your spirit heals, so will your physical body....
Keep the faith.
I'm praying for you!!!