No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Down In The Dumps...Again!

I am soooo down today! Well, it's been for a while now.
My demons are in full force and winning this war raging inside!!
I am soooo tired!!
I want to do so much but:
my mind says go go go
my body says no no no!!!
I have no drive!!

Like I stated before, the re-connections I have made on Facebook
have been awesome! But with them come many old feelings.
Some good, some not so good!!
I have re-connected with old friends, schoolmates and even some old crushes...
well, 2: one huge, one small.
Anyway, a certain re-connection has me in the dumps.
You see, at first it was awesome!! We had terrific conversations,
be it by phone, text or FB IM. Then, all of a sudden, this person changed.
Now we barely talk. When I questioned this person, they tried to
avoid it. Then I was accused of being too pushy, which I don't understand.
Because I was only asking why and expecting an answer.
Anyway, the weeks with this friend were great!!
Now, it is sad to me that they are being this way.
I miss this person...I miss our conversations...our joking, etc.
All I want to know is why? I don't know what happened.
Nothing changed from the times prior, when everything was good.
I believe that this person knows they are wrong and is avoiding this.
I just can't understand why.
We both have a friend in common, so I will see this person again.
I can only hope that if I back off and give them space, that they will come around.
That one day we can be back to where we were.

This is partly what's keeping me down.
That and the bills.
Oh, well. I think I will call and make an appointment for the doctor's and see if my rx can be increased.
Just when I start feeling good, something always happens and brings me right down again!!



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