No situation is ever hopeless. Because whatever the situation may be, the moment you start to take action, you change it. Ralph Marsdon

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Still "WEIGHT"ing...
So here I am... a year1/2 after the last post.
I actually did do very well last year! My goal was to fit into a dress I bought for my nephew's wedding. I did mostly accomplish that. I lost around 30 lbs. But the month before the wedding I changed jobs. My new schedule limited my workouts. So my weight loss slowed...even gained some lbs. back. I was still able to squeeze into the dress. But when I see photos from the wedding I cringe...hate the way I look!!
After the wedding I wound up gaining back all the weight. Talk about frustrating!!!
So here I am...again....trying...again...hoping not to fail...again.
This is such a struggle. I can't believe just how hard it is!!
Well, this time I've armed myself with some supplements from GNC and a gym membership. I started out well. Then was a bit stuck. Been home this week...break from I've went off a little. Not drastically, but some. I need to get back on track. But it's so freaking hard!!
This past Friday I started feeling irritable...VERY irritable!! I have been extremely down as well, too. I think it's just my hormones...seem to go through this every so often.
But I hate it!!! I hate feeling like this. Don't feel like doing anything, going anywhere ...yet I'm bored. It's an awful feeling!!
All I can do is breathe through it...pray through it.
Turning my heart up to Him!!!
And that's all I can do!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
No More 'WEIGHT'ing!!
As you can see by the ticker at the top of this blog, I started my New Year's Resolution/Goal!!
And, as you can also see, I am actually doing quite well!!
I have put my mind to it (AGAIN) and I am pushing along!
Now I do this EVERY year, only for it to dwindle off.
But this year is MY year!!
And to start it off I got to start ME off..
in the right direction!!
So far so good...
I do have to credit my good progress partly to my friend Bridget!!
She showed me this AWESOME website and supports me there, as well!!
Having to keep track of every meal and exercise is important!
I think it is really fun!
Especially to see my progress.
I also think it makes you more aware of what you put into your much, as well as how much.
It is there for anyone /everyone to see.
You can see how many calories you burn per workout activity...and this makes you want to move more!!
One of the cool features is that you can link it to your Twitter or Facebook account(s)!
So a whole range of family/friends can view your progress!
Go check it out!! Whether you have 5 pounds to lose or 50...
it's so worth it!!
On another note:
I wanted to share...
Back in 1999, I borrowed a book from my mom.
This book was awesome and so inspiring!!
It helped me lose 30 lbs.!!
I took the info from this book and added some workout time.
Nothing big, just my good old stationary bike.
The more I lost the more I wanted to lose, so I increased my time on the bike.
I went from 10 mins. to 2 hrs.--broke into two one hr. sessions.
It was my TV time, so I pedaled as I watched.
Anyway, I wound up returning the book to my mom.
4 years later she passed away. So while going through her things I looked for this book.
But it wasn't there! She must have loaned it out. I was a bit disappointed because I really
would have liked to have had it.
So over the years...
as I started to gain weight...
I would think about that book.
Wishing I had it.
Well, deciding that this year is MY year,
also made me decide that
I wanted
I needed
that book.
So with the help of good old Ebay...
for a whole $4 (including s&h!!)
I now own

Be sure to pick up a copy!!!
I think you'll LOVE it, too!!
And, as you can also see, I am actually doing quite well!!
I have put my mind to it (AGAIN) and I am pushing along!
Now I do this EVERY year, only for it to dwindle off.
But this year is MY year!!
And to start it off I got to start ME off..
in the right direction!!
So far so good...
I do have to credit my good progress partly to my friend Bridget!!
She showed me this AWESOME website and supports me there, as well!!
Having to keep track of every meal and exercise is important!
I think it is really fun!
Especially to see my progress.
I also think it makes you more aware of what you put into your much, as well as how much.
It is there for anyone /everyone to see.
You can see how many calories you burn per workout activity...and this makes you want to move more!!
One of the cool features is that you can link it to your Twitter or Facebook account(s)!
So a whole range of family/friends can view your progress!
Go check it out!! Whether you have 5 pounds to lose or 50...
it's so worth it!!
On another note:
I wanted to share...
Back in 1999, I borrowed a book from my mom.
This book was awesome and so inspiring!!
It helped me lose 30 lbs.!!
I took the info from this book and added some workout time.
Nothing big, just my good old stationary bike.
The more I lost the more I wanted to lose, so I increased my time on the bike.
I went from 10 mins. to 2 hrs.--broke into two one hr. sessions.
It was my TV time, so I pedaled as I watched.
Anyway, I wound up returning the book to my mom.
4 years later she passed away. So while going through her things I looked for this book.
But it wasn't there! She must have loaned it out. I was a bit disappointed because I really
would have liked to have had it.
So over the years...
as I started to gain weight...
I would think about that book.
Wishing I had it.
Well, deciding that this year is MY year,
also made me decide that
I wanted
I needed
that book.
So with the help of good old Ebay...
for a whole $4 (including s&h!!)
I now own

Be sure to pick up a copy!!!
I think you'll LOVE it, too!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
It's A New Dawn...It's A New Day...It's A New Year!!
So here I am again just like every January.
- Back to trying the resolution type goals!
- Back to trying to better myself!
- Back to this blog and trying to document it all!!
I say trying because that's all I seem to do! Try them...never commit to them!!
Always starting out so-so and then tinkering off after a month or two.
Sure I may come back to them on occasion throughout the year.
And I suppose that this is better than not doing anything at all.
Well, this year I want it to be different!
This year I want to be different!!
I promised myself that come Monday 1/3/11 that I would start all these goals again.
Yet it came and went and eating bible reading...NOTHING!!
I did get caught up in straightening up the house, doing the dishes, sweeping and vacuuming, going to the store. Even stopped for lunch with a friend in between. But I didn't take the time to do these goals!!
So today, only the 2nd day into my New Year goals, I have caught myself and
starting now...starting here I'm gonna start accomplishing these goals!!
This is it!! No pussy-footing around...No excuses...IT MUST BE DONE!!
So, I will leave this for now. But I do have much more to discuss on this!!
I won't go on here, because let's face's kind of defeated my purpose of going and doing them to be on here. Although, this is another goal I start blogging well as, to document my progress.
So, today...this day...this hour...this minute...this second...
I say....
- Back to trying the resolution type goals!
- Back to trying to better myself!
- Back to this blog and trying to document it all!!
I say trying because that's all I seem to do! Try them...never commit to them!!
Always starting out so-so and then tinkering off after a month or two.
Sure I may come back to them on occasion throughout the year.
And I suppose that this is better than not doing anything at all.
Well, this year I want it to be different!
This year I want to be different!!
I promised myself that come Monday 1/3/11 that I would start all these goals again.
Yet it came and went and eating bible reading...NOTHING!!
I did get caught up in straightening up the house, doing the dishes, sweeping and vacuuming, going to the store. Even stopped for lunch with a friend in between. But I didn't take the time to do these goals!!
So today, only the 2nd day into my New Year goals, I have caught myself and
starting now...starting here I'm gonna start accomplishing these goals!!
This is it!! No pussy-footing around...No excuses...IT MUST BE DONE!!
So, I will leave this for now. But I do have much more to discuss on this!!
I won't go on here, because let's face's kind of defeated my purpose of going and doing them to be on here. Although, this is another goal I start blogging well as, to document my progress.
So, today...this day...this hour...this minute...this second...
I say....
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
HE Leads Me...

I am so torn and I don't know what direction to go.
Some personal relationships are rocky--to say the least--if at all existent anymore!
My family is a mess.
And I find myself not knowing where to turn!!
Part of me wants to go one way.
Part wants to go another way.
Part of me is content where I am, yet unhappy. Wanting to stay right where I am for fear of change!!
I've prayed to the Lord for some guidance-- for some kind of sign -- for patience, if nothing else!!
~ Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)
I just want to know where I'm going!!I know whatever the path, it won't be easy--ha my life never is.
But I just need to have some kind of hint as to which way it is going.
~ Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.
(Matthew 6:34)
(Matthew 6:34)
Up until now, I haven't seen anything.
Whether it be because HE just hasn't shown me yet
or whether the sign was too small and/or I was too blind.
~Your father knows what you need before you ask him. So do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today's trouble is enough for today.
(Matthew 6:8b, 31-34)
(Matthew 6:8b, 31-34)
But yesterday morning I asked again--for a sign, just some kind of sign!!
~ O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress.
(Jeremiah 16:19)
(Jeremiah 16:19)
And HE answered!!
It was a strange way.
It was a vague answer.
But it was an answer non the less!
~ I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
(Psalm 34:4)
(Psalm 34:4)
It still doesn't show me the exact path.
~ It is you who light my lamp; the Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.
(Psalm 18:28)
(Psalm 18:28)
But what it does show me is that
HE is listening---always listening!!
HE does hear!!
HE does love me!!
HE does want me to be Happy!!
~ When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted.
(Psalm 138:3)
(Psalm 138:3)
NOT that I ever doubted any of it!!
It's just SO comforting to
YES, I always
~ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
(Jeremiah 29:13)
(Jeremiah 29:13)
I know that things are going to change!
~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
And YES, I am(Proverbs 3:5-6)
~Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
no matter
what happens...
~ Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.
(Psalm 71:20)
(Psalm 71:20)
~ No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.
(1 Corinthians 10:13)
(1 Corinthians 10:13)
~ Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion you
r adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your faith
. . . . And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.
(1 Peter 5: 7-10)
r adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your faith
. . . . And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.
(1 Peter 5: 7-10)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
It's HERE!!!
I ordered
last week!!
I am tired of being...
out of shape
floppy, SAggY & mushy
out... huh...of...huh...breath
in fat clothes
not fitting into anything
looking terrible
feeling terrible
wearing ((baggy)) clothes
feeling un ~sexy~
Get my drift??
So I needed
I've tried
"What's there to lose??"
It has a money back guarantee!
when I got paid
Can I get a
Here it is my friends:

last week!!
I am tired of being...
out of shape
floppy, SAggY & mushy
out... huh...of...huh...breath
in fat clothes
not fitting into anything
looking terrible
feeling terrible
wearing ((baggy)) clothes
feeling un ~sexy~
Get my drift??
So I needed
I've tried
"What's there to lose??"
It has a money back guarantee!
when I got paid
Can I get a
Here it is my friends:

I'm going to
look thru the material
read the pamphlets
watch the DVD s
look thru the material
read the pamphlets
watch the DVD s
Im Frustrated, My Hands Are Tied...I'm Frustrated, My Brains Are Fried...I'm Frustrated, No Place To Hide...
[Frustrated - Joan Jett]
I am sooo frustrated!!
Since I went back to work full time,
I've been finding it very hard to do all
the things I want!!
1. Keeping up
with the house: Although Hubby
has gotten on the boys to help out more; which
has been a struggle to say the least. I have gotten
them to do their own laundry, which helps.
Now if they could just pick up after themselves
and help with more chores, that would be AWESOME!!!
2. Blogging, Facebooking & E-mail: I do find the time to get on Facebook, which is made easier now that I can access it on my phone. I do have a hard time keeping up with checking my e-mail. Once I get my phone repaired, I will be able to access that on it, as well. That leaves the blogging. I had a hard enough time keeping up with my blogs [4, not including the business one!] before going back to work! Now it's almost impossible. But I REFUSE to give them up!! So I WILL find a way to work them into the mix!!
3. COUPONING: My friend has found the secret to this activity in saving money. Yes, I shop at
Aldi & dollar stores to meet our needs, but Shelly gets these things cheap and/or FREE most of the time with money back...YES she actually MAKES MONEY buying the things she needs!!
[I have to find the time to scan the circular, make my lists, find the proper coupons and go to each store.] I REALLY need to work this into the mix, as well!!!!
4. Socialize: I've never been much on going out but I'm finding, now that I have met more people [thru work] and reconnected with old friends/classmates plus deciding that this year is MY year doing more for ME and living a little, that I DO want to do it more. Problem is, besides NOT being a night person, my schedule makes it a bit hard. I work Fridays [1-9] and Saturdays [7am-9pm]. Working late on Fridays and having to be in so early on Saturdays sure makes it rough to go out Friday nights. And, working 14 hours, on Saturdays I am a bit tired by 9pm. But having off on Sundays is a plus, so I guess going out once in a while is doable!!
5. Exercise & Diet: These have been a struggle for me!! I REALLY have to squeeze in time to exercise!!! My 25th HS reunion is coming up the end of July and I NEED to slim down!! As for the diet, it gets a little hard due to the temptation at work, but it can be done!!
It is truly just a matter of time management. And I am sure with the Lord's help I will
get it right. I just need the patience until I get there. This the Lord will help me with, too!!
Please...Say a prayer for me!!
I am sooo frustrated!!
Since I went back to work full time,
I've been finding it very hard to do all
the things I want!!
1. Keeping up

has gotten on the boys to help out more; which
has been a struggle to say the least. I have gotten
them to do their own laundry, which helps.
Now if they could just pick up after themselves
and help with more chores, that would be AWESOME!!!
2. Blogging, Facebooking & E-mail: I do find the time to get on Facebook, which is made easier now that I can access it on my phone. I do have a hard time keeping up with checking my e-mail. Once I get my phone repaired, I will be able to access that on it, as well. That leaves the blogging. I had a hard enough time keeping up with my blogs [4, not including the business one!] before going back to work! Now it's almost impossible. But I REFUSE to give them up!! So I WILL find a way to work them into the mix!!
3. COUPONING: My friend has found the secret to this activity in saving money. Yes, I shop at
Aldi & dollar stores to meet our needs, but Shelly gets these things cheap and/or FREE most of the time with money back...YES she actually MAKES MONEY buying the things she needs!!
[I have to find the time to scan the circular, make my lists, find the proper coupons and go to each store.] I REALLY need to work this into the mix, as well!!!!
4. Socialize: I've never been much on going out but I'm finding, now that I have met more people [thru work] and reconnected with old friends/classmates plus deciding that this year is MY year doing more for ME and living a little, that I DO want to do it more. Problem is, besides NOT being a night person, my schedule makes it a bit hard. I work Fridays [1-9] and Saturdays [7am-9pm]. Working late on Fridays and having to be in so early on Saturdays sure makes it rough to go out Friday nights. And, working 14 hours, on Saturdays I am a bit tired by 9pm. But having off on Sundays is a plus, so I guess going out once in a while is doable!!
5. Exercise & Diet: These have been a struggle for me!! I REALLY have to squeeze in time to exercise!!! My 25th HS reunion is coming up the end of July and I NEED to slim down!! As for the diet, it gets a little hard due to the temptation at work, but it can be done!!
It is truly just a matter of time management. And I am sure with the Lord's help I will
get it right. I just need the patience until I get there. This the Lord will help me with, too!!
Please...Say a prayer for me!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Just When Things Are Back On Track, I Sabotage Myself...
[Dropkick Murphys : Perfect Stranger Lyrics]
This line totally describes what I do to myself!
I l

self sabotage myself
I don't know why I do it!
I start out with the best of intentions,
but then I bomb by the end of the day!!
I seriously NEED to heed this warning!!

I am a chocoholic!!
I usually do very well on my days off at home.
It's the days I am in work that kill me!!
I TRY to stay away from the junk food..I really do!!
But then I figure just one, which turns into more and then I'm like what the heck I already blew it and then I spiral down from there!

Again, I don't do too bad at home. I try to get on my stationary bike or the treadmill AND I walk Shea to/from school at least one way everyday pending my work schedule and weather.
It's when I get into work that I fail!!
We'll sit with the girls and watch TV. All this sitting coupled with the excess eating have rendered havoc on my weight problem!!
I've gained 10 lbs. since starting in November!! NOT cool!!
I want so bad to lose this weight!! I am so tired of looking & feeling this way!! I HATE the way things fit and the way my belly, hips and butt stick out!!
My 25th reunion is coming up the end of July, so I really need to do something for this too!!
I've lost weight before, but not quite this much...this is the BIGGEST I've ever been.
And I just can't believe I let myself get this way. My husband has been on me, as well!
He is so not happy with the way I look and seriously, who could blame him?
He thinks that I can just exercise and lose. He doesn't realize I need to watch what I eat, too. And it's just so hard now, at my seems that when I do try with the diet and exercise, I do lose but only a few lbs. and then it's very frustrating!!
So here are some changes I NEED to make:
1. Most definitely need to watch what I eat...not necessarily a diet, just watch my intake. Something that has worked in the past is a method where you eat when you are HUNGRY. You have to make sure you are really hungry. Remember that sometimes you may feel hungry when you are dehydrated. So you need to drinks lots of water in between meals. If you keep up with this you will actually learn when you are really hungry, etc. With your meals, you fill a smaller plate with your food of choice. And you can drink anything you want only at meals. You take a sip of liquid between each bite of food, which is chewed thoroughly. Eating slowly and drinking while eating helps you get full faster. This helps you eat less food. The added fluids actually aid your digestion which also helps the weight loss process. While you are eating you are watching for a sign of fullness: this is when you have a deep sigh, which indicates that you are comfortably full!
At that point you stop eating. Pretty simple! I got this method from a book I had borrowed from my mom years ago. Of course, after she died I went to get it and it was gone. I'll have to pick up another. But I did remember the basics. It also incorporates prayer into the program. When you feel like eating an unneeded snack you take that time and pray instead. So if you are spiritual the plan is even better!! In the meantime I can check the authors website HERE!I also ordered the 6 Week Body Makeover which should be arriving soon.
I figured it can't hurt!!
2. I also need to up my exercise!! I am going to try to walk Shea to/from school more often!!
As well as, use my stationary bike and tread mill at home and the treadmill we have at the house in work!! I also intend to get the girls out walking more, too! Walks to Rite Aid & WaWa, and through the neighborhood will be nice!! We can walk around the Cherry Hill Mall, too.
3. To lose 50...YES 50 pounds. I know it won't all be before the reunion, but I'll be happy with something substantial!
4. And then, of course, I need to drink more water...which is probably the easiest of the
As far as work goes...
things are good. Had some rough spots, but it's all a learning process.
I had my 90 day review last week. My manager gave me all 'O's...outstandings!
Which was exciting. She told me that her goals for me were to attend some of the girls plan meetings to see how they are ran. And to learn some of the paperwork, etc. to get more familiarized with how the house is ran. This led up to her asking me if I was interested in running my own house. This is actually a goal of mine, so I was happy for her to bring that up!! I told her somewhere down the road I would. She told me she thought I would be a good house manager, which boosted my ego a bit!! I certainly needed that as I suffer from lack of self-confidence!!
So my ultimate work goal is to right now learn and familiarize myself with ALL the things that go along with managing a house, which my manager will teach me. This will work well for now, b/c I need to keep this schedule until Shea starts 1st grade--1 more school year--[with the new Gov. our school had to cut K down to half day.] So hopefully by then things will fall into place and there will be a house manager opening available. We shall see!
Soooooo in ending....
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